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Here are some pictures of the many species of fish that can be caught along the Jersey Shore.
Fluke are a very popular species along the coast here in Jersey. They can be caught from boats in the ocean, from jetties, in inlets, in bays and rivers, and even in the surf. They feed on a variety of baits and can be caught using a simple one hook Fluke rig. These fish are great table fare.
Winter Flounder


The Striped Bass is the most saught after game fish in New Jersey. It is caught from mid-April to mid-December up and down the cost in the surf, in bays, rivers, inlets, and off of jetties. They can be caught on swimming plugs, bucktails and other jigs, soft plastic baits, clams, eels, sand and blood worms, mullet, bunker, and crabs. Fish can range in sizes of 5-10 pound slot fish up to 40-50 pound giants.